Our Workshops
Microsoft Power BI
Struggling with complex Excel reports which contain hundreds of formulas?
This training is designed for analysts or organizational teams who need to derive and
share insights with business data.
We’ll show you how, without data analysis training or the need to learn another
language, you can be build and share reports and dashboards.
Learn how Power BI enables anyone to visualize and analyze data, with better speed and efficiency. It is a powerful as well as a flexible tool for connecting with and analyzing a wide variety of data.
This Course Focuses On;
Enabling users to interact with corporate information, to extract the reports and information they need as well as how to create compelling visualizations and reports that provide deep insights into your data.
Who should attend this course?
Anyone who wants to become familiar with Microsoft’s Power BI product, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced user.
DAX is a collection of functions, operators, and constants that can be used in a formula, or expression, to calculate and return one or more values. DAX helps you create new information from data already in your model.
Why is DAX so important?
It’s quite easy to create a new Power BI Desktop file and import some data into it. You can even create reports that show valuable insights without using any DAX formulas at all. But, what if you need to analyze growth percentage across product categories and for different date ranges? Or, you need to calculate year-over-year growth compared to market trends? DAX formulas provide this capability and many other important capabilities as well.
Learning how to create effective DAX formulas will help you get the most out of your data. When you get the information you need, you can begin to solve real business problems that affect your bottom line. This is the power in Power BI, and DAX will help you get there.
Workshop Outline
- What is Power BI?
- The parts of Power BI
- Getting Data
- Connecting to a data source
- Edit Data before loading
- Editing Data in the Power Editor Query window
- Advanced data sources and data transformation
- Connect to an additional data source
- Remove additional columns and combine data
- Advanced data transformations
- Combine data from different sources
- Creating Custom Columns
- Cleaning irregularly formatted data
- Transpose Data
- The Power BI Desktop
- Select a View
- Collapse/Expand the Visualizations and Fields pane
- Create Visualizations
- Add Fields
- Remove Fields
- Resize a Visualization
- Move a Visualization
- Convert between Visualizations
- Accessing tooltips
- Formatting Visualizations
- Modelling Data
- Managing Relationships
- Autodetect during load
- Create a relationship by using Autodetect
- Create a relationship manually
- Edit a relationship
- Create Calculated Columns
- Optimising Data models
- Hiding fields
- Unhide Fields
- Sorting visualization data by another field
- Formatting fields
- Change method of aggregation
- Quick Calculate
- Quick Measures
- Creating Calculated Measures
- DAX Syntax
- Create a Measure
- Create Calculated Tables
- The Distinct Function
- Exploring Time based Data
- Drill-Down into data
- Drill-Up out of data
- Visualizations
- Combination Charts
- Slicers
- Maps
- Matrixes and Tables
- Scatter charts
- Waterfall and Funnel Charts
- Gauges and single-number charts
- Cards
- Formatting Charts and Visuals
- Adding Shapes, Images and Textboxes
- Page Layouts and Orientation
- Group interactions
- Duplicate a report page
- Adding Summaries
- Create Hierarchies
- Introduction to the Power BI Service
- Create an account
- Uploading Data into the Power BI service
- Publish data
- Share dashboards
- Create Power BI Apps
- Collaborating in App Workspace
- Working with Power BI Mobile App
- Practical
- Consolidated Exercise including what was learnt
On-Site Workshops
- All workshops are offered in-house at your offices to a minimum of 5 delegates
- You provide the venue and refreshments, Front Foot supply all the workshop material – including laptops for computer-based training sessions
Remote Workshops
- All workshops are offered remotely to a minimum of 5 delegates
- Front Foot supply all the electronic workshop material