Our Workshops
Business Writing Skills
Business Writing Skills
Business Writing should be precise and succinct rather than creative; it stresses specificity and accuracy. Writing in a business environment requires writing with a unique purpose because you must assume that your audience has limited time in which to read it and is likely to skim the document. Your readers have an interest in what you say insofar as it affects their working world. They want to know the “bottom line”; the point you are making about a situation or problem and how they should respond.
Learn how to create business documents that say what you mean and achieve the results you want. We not only cover the basics of how to improve your writing skills but also how to achieve the right result from your written correspondence. We teach the skills to communicate accurately and effectively to your readers in business English. We focus on using correct language and grammar as well as pointing out common language mistakes. We also deal with electronic and non-electronic written communication.
In business, impressions are everything. The impressions we make, and leave people with via written communication, can make or break. The problem is that many business people do not have the confidence to write clearly and effectively for workplace purposes – and who can blame them? Schools and Universities do not teach business writing; it comes with practice, based on a fundamental skill set.
Happily the dilemma ends here. This popular one-day Business Writing Skills workshop is designed to teach you everything you need to know in order to be a confident writer. It covers style and tone, being tactful, keeping it short through simplicity and accuracy, and mastering the delicate arts of proofreading and editing.
This workshop is practical, outcomes-based and highly interactive. Business writing ability is not a nice-to-have skill; it is a corporate imperative. If it’s not part of your professional toolbox at present, you need to develop it – fast.
Workshop Outline
Introduction to Effective Writing
Using Plain English: Style
Using Plain English: The Mechanics
Principles that ensure effective business writing
The Three C’s – All writing should be clear, concise and correct
Partner with your readers
Prepare readers to understand, remember and act
WhatsApp messages
Exec summaries - How to summarize
On-Site Workshops
- All workshops are offered in-house at your offices to a minimum of 5 delegates
- You provide the venue and refreshments, Front Foot supply all the workshop material – including laptops for computer-based training sessions
Remote Workshops
- All workshops are offered remotely to a minimum of 5 delegates
- Front Foot supply all the electronic workshop material